[Men of Inked 01.0] Throttle Me Read online

Page 9

  “Ma.” I should hate her calling me her baby boy, but my mother could call me anything in the world. I adored the woman. “She isn’t jumping on the Joey train. I don’t think she really wants to see me.”

  “What? Why not?” She leaned against the counter, crossing her arms. “You’re perfect.”

  “That’s ’cause I’m your kid. I’m hardly perfect, Ma.” I cleaned the last dish and placed it in the rack to dry. “You don’t really know everything about me, no matter what you think.”

  “I know more than you think, sweetheart. Iz has loose lips, you know.” I could beat my little sister’s ass. I’m sure she doesn’t tell my ma about all her love affairs. “I know you’re quite the ladies’ man. I’m not judging you, Joey. You never bring any girls around, but I know you.”

  Fucking Iz. “When and if I find the one, Ma, you’ll be the first to know.” I kissed her cheek, and her radiant smile lit up the room. “Suzy sees me as a tattoo artist that rides a motorcycle and hangs out in shithole bars. I don’t exactly rank up there on her boyfriend material checklist.”

  “I kinda like this girl already.” She giggled. I loved hearing the sound of her laughter. “She doesn’t know everything about you and our family?” She raised her eyebrow.

  “No, I don’t tell anyone about us, Ma.”

  “Checklists are made to be changed. She needs to know the Joey I do. Are you going to ask her out? Makes her yours?”

  “That’s what I was trying to do at the table, but she has class.”

  “Ah, a smart girl too. Joey, don’t ask a girl out through text message. That’s what’s wrong with you kids today. She needs to hear your voice when you ask. Texting is too impersonal, and I’ll never understand it. Call the girl.”

  “I will. I’ll call her later. Happy?”

  My ma wrapped her arms around me and said, “Very.”


  Broken Rules


  I couldn’t get him out of my mind, and it had been less than twenty-four hours since he dropped me off with a soul-stealing kiss. His cocky smile, his muscles, the way he touched me stayed with me long after he left. No one had made me want to break a rule more than he did. No matter how hard I tried to concentrate on my lesson plans for the upcoming quarter, my mind drifted to him.

  Trying to quiet my brain, I flipped on Catfish as I crawled in bed. It had been my guilty pleasure since this show began. I loved watching the train wrecks and the broken hearts of those that thought they fell in love with someone, only to find out that they weren’t who they pretended to be.

  I used to tease Sophia and Kayden, my old roommates, mercilessly about how different their little tryst in New Orleans could’ve turned out. Their situation was different; they had mutual friends and had checked each other out, so they felt it was a sure thing.

  On paper, Kayden and Sophia didn’t work—it wasn’t a match made in heaven—but their love was undeniable. It was electric. Sophia followed her heart, and his pull was inescapable for her. She fell for him hook, line, and sinker. I never understood it until I got to know Kayden. He wasn’t anything like I thought—his heart was pure, but his path in life had been different than mine. I’d never believe Sophia would find a guy without a college education and a criminal record to fall in love with, but they were the happiest couple I knew, and I wanted that kind of love.

  My checklist had been realistic in theory, but City had me questioning my method and requirements. I’d dated men that fit on paper, but the chemistry lacked. City was just so City. I was approaching the end of my twenties, sitting in bed, eating bonbons, and watching Catfish alone.

  I am happy, aren’t I?

  My phone began to move across my nightstand. I popped the last morsel of chocolaty goodness in my mouth. “Herlo?”

  “Hey, Suzette.” The vibration of his voice through the phone made my heart skip a beat as I swallowed the chocolate slowly. Damn, why did I have to eat that last piece before I answered? Herlo? I sounded like I had a speech problem.

  “Oh, hey. How are you?” I grabbed the water on my nightstand and washed down the last bit of candy.

  “I’m well, sugar. Whatcha doin’?” I heard rustling in the background. Were those his sheets? Was he naked?

  “Just watching television, and I’m about to go to sleep, you?” I wiped the chocolate from my lips and licked my finger. These little bitches were so damn tasty.

  “I just crawled in bed. What are you wearing?” he asked in a smooth timbre.

  OMG, he didn’t just ask me that. I looked down. I had my ratty go-to clothes for when I lounged around the house. “Um, a tank top and flannel pajama pants.”

  I could hear him laughing. “Really?”

  “Yeah, why? What are you wearing?” Please don’t say you’re naked.

  “Nothing, sugar.” Damn it all to hell. “You still there?”

  “Yeah.” I knew he could hear the change in my tone, as it came out all breathy and quiet.

  “When can I see you again?” he asked.

  “I don’t know, City.” I wanted, God how I wanted to scream now, but I needed to think about him—us.

  “Don’t deny you want me, Suzy. I can hear it in your voice. You’re thinking of my cock inside you and your lips on mine.”

  My breath hitched as the images played like a movie in my mind. “I won’t deny it, but that doesn’t make it right,” I said, moving down in the sheets and turning off the television.

  “I’m not asking you to be my girlfriend, Suzette. I remember you having an earth-shattering time yesterday. I can still hear the sound you made when I made you come against my fingers.” A small moan escaped his lips.

  My heart ached when he said he didn’t want me to be his girlfriend. What the hell? Stay on course—do not waiver from the list.

  “It was the sexiest fucking sound I’ve ever heard, sugar. The way your eyes rolled back and your body rocked into my hand. Fuck.”

  I squeaked. OMG, lemme die. “City.”

  “The taste of you on my tongue after. Fucking perfect. I’m rock hard thinking about you.”

  “You are?” I whispered.

  “Rock fucking hard.” His breathing changed like it had when he fucked me. I could never forget the sounds the man made when he came. “Friday night, Suzy. No excuses this time.”

  “Okay. Friday.”

  “Good. I’ll be thinking about that sweet pussy all week, sugar. Sweet dreams.” His words were drawn out and his tone was sexy as hell.

  “Night,” I whispered back before the phone went quiet and his harsh breath disappeared. Listening to the man turned me on, and I wanted to run to his house and have sex with him, but I didn’t. Reaching into my nightstand, I grabbed my trusty battery-operated boyfriend of the last five years and thought of City as I climaxed. The orgasm didn’t compare to the one I’d had under his deft fingers. He fucking ruined one of my simple pleasures.


  Fuck Monday mornings. I never wanted to get out of bed. I pulled in the school parking lot five minutes late before throwing my bags down in my classroom, and I headed to the copier to be prepped for class that started in ten minutes. Damn. I hated being rushed.

  I tapped my finger against the copy machine as it slowly churned out each piece of paper. People walked in and out of the teacher work area with quick hellos and “happy Mondays.”

  “What are you grinning about? It’s Monday and you never smile, bitch,” Sophia said behind me.

  “I wasn’t smiling.” I turned around to see her grinning like a loon that had just escaped the funny farm.

  “Oh, you were, sister. What happened?” Sophia always looked so put together and breathtaking.

  “I have so much to tell you. I’ll come see you during my planning period.”

  “By the look on your face I’d think you got laid this weekend. I’m not talking about a boring bullshit fucking either. You got fucked,” she whispered in my face. I felt my face flush. “You did, don’t lie,
and I want every last detail.”

  The homeroom warning bell blared, and I started to panic, grabbing my papers in a crazy heap. “I’ll be up third period. I’m going to be late, Sophia. I gotta run, babe.”

  “I’ll hunt your ass down if you don’t show up,” Sophia said as I reached the door.

  “I’ll be there, whore. Shut it.”


  Sophia shut the door to her office. “Tell me, and I mean all of it.”

  Sitting on the comfy old couch in her office, I rested my head against the wall. “What do you want to know?”

  “Don’t play coy with me. You know more about my sex life than anyone else in the world. I want all the information, starting with who and when.”

  Sophia sat at her desk and rested her head on her hand. “I met him Friday night.”

  “Friday night? I don’t remember you meeting someone,” she said, her eyes looking upward as she replayed our time at the martini bar.

  “After I left you. My car crapped out and this drop-dead gorgeous man stopped to help me.”

  “Helped you out of your panties too, I presume?” She giggled and slapped the desk.

  “Eventually.” I laughed. “I called you, but you didn’t answer. I went with him on his bike to call a tow, and ended up having a drink or two.”

  “Bike? Like the ones the drunks ride around here with the electric motors, or are we talking smokin’ hot Harley action?”

  “Smokin’ hot.”

  “His name?”

  “City, but it’s a nickname. When we left he asked where I wanted to go, and I told him I wanted him to take me to his house. I’d had too much to drink, because you know that just isn’t me.”

  “Whatever. You’re dying to be naughty but those uptight pricks you date are missionary men. Bleh. Keep talking,” she commanded.

  “Pushy wench, aren’t you? When he undresses, girl…” I sighed. “Oh. My. God. His body is covered in tattoos, his nipples are pierced, and he, and he…” I covered my mouth and tried to hide my grin.

  “Breathe, Suzy. He what?”

  “His penis was pierced too.” I swallowed, remembering how it looked.

  “Oh, now I’m enthralled. So your ass breaks down, is rescued by a sexy-ass biker with tats and piercings, and…”

  “I slept with him. More than once. I stayed the night, and he had me before breakfast too.”

  “Have you talked to him since?”

  “Yes, we went on a date Saturday night, and he wants to take me out again on Friday.”

  “I know that look. What’s the problem?”

  “He’s just not…isn’t what I’m looking for.” I frowned.

  “Suzy, baby, listen to me. Do you like this man?”


  “As you would say, did he make your body tingle and make you scream?”

  “Yes, more times than I can count.”

  “Do you want to see him again?”

  “I do, but—”

  “Fuck buts, girl.”

  “He’s a tattoo artist and lives in an old house. He just doesn’t fit my checklist. He’s a biker, Sophia. What could we possibly have in common?”

  “You and your damn lists. If I had a list I wouldn’t have Kayden and Jett. I can’t imagine my life without them. We can’t always control everything in life; sometimes life jumps up and smacks us in the face.”

  “I know, Soph. He scares me,” I whispered.

  “Has he hurt you?” She stood and walked toward me with her eyebrows drawn together and her mouth set in a hard line.

  “No. I mean, I’m scared I could fall for him. I’ve never been with anyone like him, and I want to see him again. I’ve never had that spark, and with him it’s like lightning.”

  Sophia sat down next to me and grabbed my face. “You listen to me, Suzy. You’re young and have your whole life ahead of you. If you want to be with him, then do it. Stop trying to fit everyone in your mold. Rules are made to be broken. Give the guy a chance, babe. He’s not asking you to marry him, is he?”

  “No, he said he’s not asking me to be his girlfriend either.”

  “Kayden wasn’t looking for a girlfriend, but here we are, engaged with a baby. Sometimes life doesn’t give us what we’re looking for, but it gives us what is supposed to be. We just have to be willing to take the plunge. Live a little. Take a risk for once.”

  I smiled and hugged her. “You’re right, Sophia, but I need some time and distance. So, Kayden still makes you happy even after everything?”

  “I wouldn’t trade a moment I’ve had with him. He’s everything to me. My life’s complete, Suzy. You need to find that guy that makes you feel whole. The one that gives you a reason to wake up each morning.”

  “So I should just enjoy the ride?” I wiggled my eyebrows at Sophia and laughed.

  “In a matter of speaking, yes. Was it beautiful?”


  “His dick, Suzy. I’ve never seen a pierced one in person.”

  “Oh my God, it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.”

  “I’m so excited for you, Suz.” She bounced on the cushion, causing both of our bodies to shake. “When are you seeing him again?”

  “Friday night. He didn’t give me an option to say no.”

  “Smart man. You’re such a pussy at times—listen to your heart and not your mind for once, got me?”

  “Yes, Mom. I understand.”

  “Oh, and Suzy?”

  “Yes?” I turned and looked at the grinning Sophia.

  “I want pictures.”

  “You’re such a whore.” I laughed as I walked out the door.




  Me: Are you in bed?

  Suzy: Yes, you?

  Me: Yep, just lying here thinking about you. 24 hours until I hear you scream my name again.

  We’d been texting all day. I never looked forward to a simple phone call or text from any chick. I ached for her. I lived with a perpetual boner now. We didn’t have an exclusive deal, but the other girls didn’t seem to do it for me anymore. My dick didn’t ache for them. It wanted Suzy and her tight, sweet pussy.

  Suzy: What’s your real name?

  I thought I told her my name, but maybe I hadn’t.

  Me: Joseph.

  Suzy: Can I call you Joe or Joey?

  Me: You can call me anything you want, sugar.

  Suzy: Joey. It suits you.

  I never felt like a Joey—it seemed childish, and the nickname City seemed to fit me better.

  Me: Tank top and PJ pants?

  Suzy: Yes. Y?

  Me: Just want to know how to picture you as I stroke myself.

  Craving the release, I stroked quicker, gripping it in my hand. I didn’t want to come too quickly tomorrow night—I wanted to savor her and feast on her body.

  Me: I’m going to picture you with your legs on my shoulders and your beautiful tits bouncing from my dick, slamming into you.

  I stroked myself as I waited for her reply, caressing the tip, toying with the ring, giving it a tug.

  Suzy: That’s sexy. I can’t wait to suck on you. Feel your velvety hardness in my mouth.

  Oh, the little girl could be dirty. Time to push the envelope.

  Me: Tell me one of your fantasies.

  I wanted there to be a bad girl underneath—someone that wanted to get dirty with me. I stroked my shaft slowly and pictured her tight cunt milking me.

  Suzy: Really?

  Nothing was easy with this one.

  Me: Yes, pick one.

  Suzy: I always wanted someone to take me from behind and for him to hold my wrists at my side so I can’t move.

  Fuck me, it was a start at least. I wanted to pound her into next week. I wanted her so bad I thought my dick would break in my hand.

  Me: What else? More.

  Suzy: I always heard choking was amazing.

  I stroked my cock faster and harder than I had before. I p
ictured my hands wrapped around her throat, watching her face turn pink, and feeling her clawing my chest as I rammed my cock into her. The warm liquid spurted, landing on my abdomen before I could stop.

  Me: Fuck, sugar. You just made me come so fuckin’ hard.

  Suzy: OMG.

  Me: Are you touching yourself?

  I grabbed my shirt off the floor and wiped up the mess that I created lost in my mental fuckfest.

  Suzy: Yes! You do things to me, Joey, things I’ve never felt before.

  Me: Wait till tomorrow, sugar. Put a finger inside yourself.

  No reply. She must be following my command. Fucking perfect.

  Me: Don’t type; just watch the screen, Suzette.

  Me: I’m going to fuck you from behind and hold your wrists so tight in my grip that your fingers will go numb. My cock’s going to throb inside of you—hit every spot that makes you scream, sugar.

  How in the fuck was I getting a boner already?

  Me: When I see your body grow flush and dew on your skin, I’m going to wrap my hands around your throat from behind and apply pressure until you’re gasping for air and milking my cock for more.

  Me: Come for me, sugar.

  I lay in bed and pictured her touching herself. Down, boy—fuck.

  Suzy: You’re bad for me, Joey.

  Me: Who the fuck wants to be good? Sweet dreams, beautiful.

  Suzy: Night, Joey. I’m looking forward to the ride tomorrow night bahaha

  I turned off my ringer and stared at the ceiling. I planned to give her more than she could handle and make all of her fantasies come true. Suzy was getting to me and cracking the well-built wall around my heart I’d created after Joni’s death. Air—I need air. I jumped out of bed and put on a t-shirt and jeans. I needed to think, and I did that best on the open road.

  I revved the engine a couple of times, put on my riding glasses, and cracked my neck. The roads were clear. The cold weather kept most of the snowbirds that traveled south off the roads, especially at night. I kicked the bike in top speed and felt the wind lash my exposed skin and blow through my hair.